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About Me

Hi, I'm Emily. I have been in private practice for about 12 years now, starting as a life coach, then moving into transpersonal (holistic) counselling and more recently as a somatic trauma counsellor.  

Growing up in regional Australia in a family that had its fair share of ups and downs, I have always found comfort and a sense of balance in my life, both externally and internally, through nature. I have raised baby kangaroos, possums, lambs and calves, and have never had a day in my life where I have not woken up with a dog or horse to connect to. 

Horses have always, and continue to be, my biggest teachers. They, like many trauma survivors, are prey to a predator. However, unlike humans who are very good at masking what they are experiencing in their nervous system and/or bodies, there is no veil with horses. They just show it. This level of authenticity has been my biggest learning as I have trained and specialised more and more in trauma therapy and nervous system regulation.

The resources horses draw upon to move through stress and trauma (if not impeded by people) is something we can learn from and apply to our own healing journey:

  • Being present to sensory awareness

  • The power of co-regulation

  • The healing power of touch with consent

  • Healthy boundaries

  • Somatic Awareness

  • Acknowledging the impulse to move our bodies to a place of safety

  • Shifting through the autonomic states with fluidity 

  • Accessing the primitive reptilian brain

  • Tuning into emotions 

  • Balanced body, balanced mind


When I work with my clients, I look beyond the words and  behaviour and ask "what's happening in the nervous system?". When we start to look deeply within and honor what's wanting to be heard in our biology, not just our biography, things open up and we can expand back into our true self.

Since 2010 I have worked with hundreds of children, teens, families, schools, communities and horses impacted by overwhelming stress and trauma. More recently I have worked extensively in bushfire communities up the east coast of Australia.

I have always had an insatiable curiosity to create more balance and harmony within ourselves, our relationships and our animals - in particular horses. I support every client I work with at Stable Therapy to find the same balance through our Polyvagal informed lens and therapies.

Education, Certifications & Accolades

Somatic Experiencing International - Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP)

I have completed 3 years of study with Somatic Experiencing International  -‘ Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a pioneering trauma healing approach developed by Dr Peter Levine, using the innate ability humans have to overcome trauma. SE encourages and utilises the awareness of sensations in the body to help re-negotiate and relieve the physical , emotional and physiological effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other stress and trauma related health problems.

Faculty Member of The Restorative Practices Alliance 

Registered NDIS Provider - since 2016

Improved daily living

Therapeutic support (counselling)

Victorian Rural Business Woman of the Year Finalist
- 2016

I was honoured to be awarded for my efforts towards my contribution to community through E . L . E . A both locally (Golden Plains Shire) and on a state level.

Phoenix Institute of Australia - Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Counselling
- 2015

 Life Coaching Institute - Certificate IV Life Coaching
- 2009

Benchmark College - Certificate IV (TAE) Training & Assessment
- 2009

Australian Counselling Association - Registered Counsellor


The Restorative Practices Alliance 

The Restorative Practices Alliance is a global trans-disciplinary community and movement whose objective is to support superior clinical outcomes in medicine and mental health by uniting the newest (neurophysiology and data science) and oldest (ancestral awareness) healing technologies.

Focusing on optimizing wellbeing, and the diagnosis and treatment of stress-related disorders, including anxiety, depression, traumatic stress, sleep difficulties, gastro-intestinal disorders, and certain auto-immune diseases.

As a member of the Restorative Practices Alliance I am licensed to connect my clients to the  (R)evolutionary Clinical Treatment Platform, "which is a superior diagnostic and clinical tool that is defining the future of medicine and mental health.  It is being used to improve client outcomes and accelerate treatment efficacy for a range of stress related conditions including anxiety, depression, gastro intestinal distress, PTSD, complex chronic illness and others". I am offering this online platform to specific clients as a secondary level of therapeutic support.

My Philosophy

To me STABLE means being in balance in our hearts , minds and bodies. It is my goal to ease people’s suffering who have been impacted by overwhelming stress or trauma  and support as many people as I can to move to a place of balance and harmony with themselves and those around them. We living beings are fundamentally  meant for growth , we just need to have the right conditions for this to happen.  - We are human beings not human doings.

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